2010 - 2011
December 8, 2011
by Grecu Sandu
FLY in Craiova
Between the 26th of November and 4th of December 2011, Andrei Association hosted a training course, implemented with the support form the Youth in Action program. Called "Facilitating Learning for Youth" the training course included participants from countries such as: Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland, France, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Spain, Malta and Romania. The aim of the training course was to develop skills and competences for the facilitation of projects and courses for young people, using a diversity of non-formal educational methods.
The 24 participants were actively involved in a series of interactive sessions and had the chance to experiment and experience non-formal education methods, learning about the context and factors for the facilitation process, the role and competences of the trainer, how to design a course outline, what is group dynamic, the challenges in facilitation, feedback and evaluation. At the end the participants were given the opportunity to create their own individual professional development plan.
"I can honestly say that my expectations regarding what I will learn during this training ocurse have been exceeded. I had a very good time during the training course - I felt that together with the other participants we were a team; and that in that team I could make mistakes so that I can learn to develop myself and also contribute to the development of others" says one of participants at the training course.
In addition, the participants had the opportunity to get to know Craiova and Tg Jiu and take part in celebrating the Romanian National Day, tasting the local food and learning local traditional songs. The training course also acted as an opportunity for the participants to connect with one another, in presenting their respective organizations and establish the basis for future cooperation and projects.
Please take a moment to view some of the pictures from the training course, available on the facebook account of Andrei Association by accesing the following link:
For more details please contact Andrei Association at email [email protected].
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission through the Youth in Action program.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
de Grecu Sandu
FLY la Craiova
In perioada 26 noiembrie - 4 decembrie 2011 Asociatia Andrei a desfasurat in Craiova un curs de formare cu sprijinul programului Tineret in Actiune "Facilitating Learning for Youth" cu participanti din tarile: Italia, Ungaria, Letonia, Lituania, Turcia, Polonia, Franta, Bulgaria, Cipru, Olanda, Spania, Austria Slovacia, Malta si Romania. Scopul trainingului a fost sa dezvolte abilitati si competente de facilitare a proiecte si cursurilor de formare pentru tineri prin folosirea unor metode non-formale variate.
Cei 24 de participanti s-au implicat activ intr-o serie de sesiuni interactive si au experimentat metode non-formale, invatand despre factori si conditii pentru facilitare, despre rolul si competentele formatorului, cum sa realizeze un design de curs, ce este dinamica grupului, provocarile in facilitare, crearea si sustinerea de sesiuni, feedback si evaluare, realizand la final un plan individual de dezvoltare profesional.
"Pot spune cu certitudine ca au fost depasite cu mult asteptarile in legatura cu ce ma gandeam ca vom afla in timpul acestui curs. M-am simtit foarte bine în timpul trainingului. Am simţit ca sunt intr-o echipa unde pot gresi ca sa invat sa ma dezvolt si sa contribui la dezvoltarea celorlalţi" declara Kocsis Peter, reprezentatul TE IS Foundation din Ungaria.
Totodata participantii au avut ocazia sa cunoasca orasele Craiova si Tg Jiu si sa ia parte la Ziua Nationala a Romaniei, pe 1 decembrie sarbatorind cu mancare si cantece traditionale romanesti. De asemenea au avut ocazia sa isi prezinte organizatiile si tarile in serile dedicate interactiunii interculturale.
Va invitam sa vizualizati cateva marturii foto din timpul cursului accesand pagina de facebook a Asociatiei Andrei: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.106771686107002.8236.100003225132356&
Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam contactati Asociatia Andrei la: email [email protected]
Acest proiect este finanţat cu susţinere din partea Comisiei Europene prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, actiunea 4.3.
Această comunicare reflectă doar vederile autorului, iar Comisia nu poate fi făcută responsabilă pentru utilizarea informaţiei pe care o conţine.
December 8, 2011
by Grecu Sandu
FLY in Craiova
Between the 26th of November and 4th of December 2011, Andrei Association hosted a training course, implemented with the support form the Youth in Action program. Called "Facilitating Learning for Youth" the training course included participants from countries such as: Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland, France, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Spain, Malta and Romania. The aim of the training course was to develop skills and competences for the facilitation of projects and courses for young people, using a diversity of non-formal educational methods.
The 24 participants were actively involved in a series of interactive sessions and had the chance to experiment and experience non-formal education methods, learning about the context and factors for the facilitation process, the role and competences of the trainer, how to design a course outline, what is group dynamic, the challenges in facilitation, feedback and evaluation. At the end the participants were given the opportunity to create their own individual professional development plan.
"I can honestly say that my expectations regarding what I will learn during this training ocurse have been exceeded. I had a very good time during the training course - I felt that together with the other participants we were a team; and that in that team I could make mistakes so that I can learn to develop myself and also contribute to the development of others" says one of participants at the training course.
In addition, the participants had the opportunity to get to know Craiova and Tg Jiu and take part in celebrating the Romanian National Day, tasting the local food and learning local traditional songs. The training course also acted as an opportunity for the participants to connect with one another, in presenting their respective organizations and establish the basis for future cooperation and projects.
Please take a moment to view some of the pictures from the training course, available on the facebook account of Andrei Association by accesing the following link:
For more details please contact Andrei Association at email [email protected].
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission through the Youth in Action program.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
de Grecu Sandu
FLY la Craiova
In perioada 26 noiembrie - 4 decembrie 2011 Asociatia Andrei a desfasurat in Craiova un curs de formare cu sprijinul programului Tineret in Actiune "Facilitating Learning for Youth" cu participanti din tarile: Italia, Ungaria, Letonia, Lituania, Turcia, Polonia, Franta, Bulgaria, Cipru, Olanda, Spania, Austria Slovacia, Malta si Romania. Scopul trainingului a fost sa dezvolte abilitati si competente de facilitare a proiecte si cursurilor de formare pentru tineri prin folosirea unor metode non-formale variate.
Cei 24 de participanti s-au implicat activ intr-o serie de sesiuni interactive si au experimentat metode non-formale, invatand despre factori si conditii pentru facilitare, despre rolul si competentele formatorului, cum sa realizeze un design de curs, ce este dinamica grupului, provocarile in facilitare, crearea si sustinerea de sesiuni, feedback si evaluare, realizand la final un plan individual de dezvoltare profesional.
"Pot spune cu certitudine ca au fost depasite cu mult asteptarile in legatura cu ce ma gandeam ca vom afla in timpul acestui curs. M-am simtit foarte bine în timpul trainingului. Am simţit ca sunt intr-o echipa unde pot gresi ca sa invat sa ma dezvolt si sa contribui la dezvoltarea celorlalţi" declara Kocsis Peter, reprezentatul TE IS Foundation din Ungaria.
Totodata participantii au avut ocazia sa cunoasca orasele Craiova si Tg Jiu si sa ia parte la Ziua Nationala a Romaniei, pe 1 decembrie sarbatorind cu mancare si cantece traditionale romanesti. De asemenea au avut ocazia sa isi prezinte organizatiile si tarile in serile dedicate interactiunii interculturale.
Va invitam sa vizualizati cateva marturii foto din timpul cursului accesand pagina de facebook a Asociatiei Andrei: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.106771686107002.8236.100003225132356&
Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam contactati Asociatia Andrei la: email [email protected]
Acest proiect este finanţat cu susţinere din partea Comisiei Europene prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, actiunea 4.3.
Această comunicare reflectă doar vederile autorului, iar Comisia nu poate fi făcută responsabilă pentru utilizarea informaţiei pe care o conţine.
Parteneriat educational 2011 - 2012
noiembrie 2011
de Grecu Daniela
Expozitie virtuala pe platforma Moodle de colaje, fotografii, felicitari de Craciun create cu ajutorul elevilor in diverse limbi (engleza, franceza).
2. APRILIE 2012
Realizarea unor prezentari PPT, filme si colaje despre traditiile dedicate sosirii primaverii dar si despre sarbatorile pascale din Romania.
Realizarea unei expoziti cu martisoare digitale pe platforma Moodle.
3. APRILIE 2012
Realizarea unor postere digitale - expozitie sala Europa.
Spectacol muzical sustinut de elevii claselor a X-a.
4. MAI 2012
Spectacol artistic.
5. IUNIE 2012
Expozitie virtuala pe platforma Moodle de desene.
Spectacol artistic pentru a sarbatori Ziua Mondială a Ocrotirii Copilului
Asociatia Andrei Craiova
Liceul de Arta "Marin Sorescu" Craiova
Colegiul National "Stefan Velovan" Craiova
septembrie 2011
by Grecu Sandu
FLY - Facilitating Learning for Youth an in-depth training course on the facilitation of learning processes and group dynamics in non-formal education and youth work
Period of the course: 26 November, 2011 - 4 December, 2011
Location: Craiova, Romania
The Romanian "The Andrei Association" in co-operation with the renowned trainers MarCus Vrecer, Carmen Marcu and Ramona Dragomir are planning on providing an international 7-day-training course on the design, facilitation, coaching and reflection on/of learning processes and group dynamics in non-formal education and youth work. A special focus will be put on exhaustive practice, invention and innovation. The training course is directed at trainers, group leaders and youth workers in (international) youth work. For this, we are looking for approx. 20 international partner organisations from the EU and EFTA countries. Being a partner organisation entitles you to nominate 1 to 2 participants in the training course.
§ learning in non-formal education: approaches, conditions, factors, processes
§ role, context and competences of trainers
§ design, facilitation and reflection of non-formal learning processes and group processes
§ feedback, empathy and communication skills
§ dynamics in and between individuals, teams and groups
§ creation and testing of own training sessions and modules with/in front of group
§ self-assessment, coaching & professional development plan
This in-depth training course is directed at persons in (international) youth work who have already several times been in charge of learning and group processes, this could be for instance as a trainer on a training course, as a workcamp leader or as a youth activity organizer. FLY will offer the opportunity to reflect on and discuss experiences made, to get a clearer picture of one's role as a trainer and of one's own strengths and weaknesses, to enhance and fine-tune one's awareness of and intervention strategies in learning and group processes, to invent and try out on the spot new tools, to give and receive feedback from/to the group and the trainers, and to distill a personal and professional development plan.
fly_day2day_programme.pdf 307.28kB
Campanie de promovare
"VOLUNTARIATUL in randul tinerilor"
septembrie 2011
Ciuna Mihaela Alina
In perioada 25-27 septembrie 2011 a avut loc o campanie de promovare a voluntariatului in randul tinerilor. Au fost prezentate conceptele de baza privind voluntariatul, efectele si beneficiile pe care le au aceste activitati asupra societatii. Grupul tinta a fost format din tineri, cât şi din organizaţiile nonguvernamentale care lucrează cu voluntari si care implică voluntari în activităţile pe care le desfăşoară.
Scopul campaniei a constat in creşterea gradului de implicare a tinerilor în acţiuni de voluntariat la nivelul comunităţii locale, considerând voluntariatul drept o resursă viabilă pentru soluţionarea unor probleme cu care se confruntă lumea contemporană.
Pentru derularea acestei campanii au fost intreprinse mai multe activitati: impartire de flyere in randul comunitatii locale, prezentari multimedia la sediul Asociatiei Andrei, discuții pe tema voluntariatului.
decembrie 2010
de Grecu Daniela
"Foarte curând oamenii se vor împărţii în două categorii: oameni bătrâni şi oameni care ştiu să lucreze la calculator"
"Very soon people will be divided in the two groups: elderly people and people who know to work on computer. "
(G. Moisil)
Descrierea activităţii / Activity description
Expoziţie de colaje, fotografii, felicitări de Crăciun create cu ajutorul elevilor în diverse limbi (engleză, franceză).Realizarea de materiale multimedia dedicate sărbătorilor de iarnă.
Exhibition of collages, photographs, Christmas cards created by students in different languages (English, French). Development of media dedicated to winter holidays.
Organizatori / Organized by
and partners:
Liceul de Arta "Marin Sorescu" Craiova
Colegiul National "Stefan Velovan" Craiova
noiembrie 2011
de Grecu Daniela
Expozitie virtuala pe platforma Moodle de colaje, fotografii, felicitari de Craciun create cu ajutorul elevilor in diverse limbi (engleza, franceza).
2. APRILIE 2012
Realizarea unor prezentari PPT, filme si colaje despre traditiile dedicate sosirii primaverii dar si despre sarbatorile pascale din Romania.
Realizarea unei expoziti cu martisoare digitale pe platforma Moodle.
3. APRILIE 2012
Realizarea unor postere digitale - expozitie sala Europa.
Spectacol muzical sustinut de elevii claselor a X-a.
4. MAI 2012
Spectacol artistic.
5. IUNIE 2012
Expozitie virtuala pe platforma Moodle de desene.
Spectacol artistic pentru a sarbatori Ziua Mondială a Ocrotirii Copilului
Asociatia Andrei Craiova
Liceul de Arta "Marin Sorescu" Craiova
Colegiul National "Stefan Velovan" Craiova
septembrie 2011
by Grecu Sandu
FLY - Facilitating Learning for Youth an in-depth training course on the facilitation of learning processes and group dynamics in non-formal education and youth work
Period of the course: 26 November, 2011 - 4 December, 2011
Location: Craiova, Romania
The Romanian "The Andrei Association" in co-operation with the renowned trainers MarCus Vrecer, Carmen Marcu and Ramona Dragomir are planning on providing an international 7-day-training course on the design, facilitation, coaching and reflection on/of learning processes and group dynamics in non-formal education and youth work. A special focus will be put on exhaustive practice, invention and innovation. The training course is directed at trainers, group leaders and youth workers in (international) youth work. For this, we are looking for approx. 20 international partner organisations from the EU and EFTA countries. Being a partner organisation entitles you to nominate 1 to 2 participants in the training course.
§ learning in non-formal education: approaches, conditions, factors, processes
§ role, context and competences of trainers
§ design, facilitation and reflection of non-formal learning processes and group processes
§ feedback, empathy and communication skills
§ dynamics in and between individuals, teams and groups
§ creation and testing of own training sessions and modules with/in front of group
§ self-assessment, coaching & professional development plan
This in-depth training course is directed at persons in (international) youth work who have already several times been in charge of learning and group processes, this could be for instance as a trainer on a training course, as a workcamp leader or as a youth activity organizer. FLY will offer the opportunity to reflect on and discuss experiences made, to get a clearer picture of one's role as a trainer and of one's own strengths and weaknesses, to enhance and fine-tune one's awareness of and intervention strategies in learning and group processes, to invent and try out on the spot new tools, to give and receive feedback from/to the group and the trainers, and to distill a personal and professional development plan.
fly_day2day_programme.pdf 307.28kB
Campanie de promovare
"VOLUNTARIATUL in randul tinerilor"
septembrie 2011
Ciuna Mihaela Alina
In perioada 25-27 septembrie 2011 a avut loc o campanie de promovare a voluntariatului in randul tinerilor. Au fost prezentate conceptele de baza privind voluntariatul, efectele si beneficiile pe care le au aceste activitati asupra societatii. Grupul tinta a fost format din tineri, cât şi din organizaţiile nonguvernamentale care lucrează cu voluntari si care implică voluntari în activităţile pe care le desfăşoară.
Scopul campaniei a constat in creşterea gradului de implicare a tinerilor în acţiuni de voluntariat la nivelul comunităţii locale, considerând voluntariatul drept o resursă viabilă pentru soluţionarea unor probleme cu care se confruntă lumea contemporană.
Pentru derularea acestei campanii au fost intreprinse mai multe activitati: impartire de flyere in randul comunitatii locale, prezentari multimedia la sediul Asociatiei Andrei, discuții pe tema voluntariatului.
decembrie 2010
de Grecu Daniela
"Foarte curând oamenii se vor împărţii în două categorii: oameni bătrâni şi oameni care ştiu să lucreze la calculator"
"Very soon people will be divided in the two groups: elderly people and people who know to work on computer. "
(G. Moisil)
Descrierea activităţii / Activity description
Expoziţie de colaje, fotografii, felicitări de Crăciun create cu ajutorul elevilor în diverse limbi (engleză, franceză).Realizarea de materiale multimedia dedicate sărbătorilor de iarnă.
Exhibition of collages, photographs, Christmas cards created by students in different languages (English, French). Development of media dedicated to winter holidays.
Organizatori / Organized by
and partners:
Liceul de Arta "Marin Sorescu" Craiova
Colegiul National "Stefan Velovan" Craiova