- Misiune / Mision:
The association aims to contribute to social and cultural development of civil society.
- Valori / Values:
Respect, responsibility, initiative, volunteering, motivation, awareness, tolerance and non-discrimination.
- Domeniu activitate / Field of activity:
Social, cultural, educational
About "Andrei" Association
The Andrei Association was established on 2009.
The main purpose of the organization is finding and giving opportunities for young romanian people to experience European mobility, through TC, the promotion of job offers, scholarships, internships, volunteering and intercultural exchanges, support biodiversity, conservation and ecological environment.
We have been working with the Lifelong Learning Programme and Erasmus+ for the last 6 years, by sending our members and collaborators abroad, or organizing projects thanks to the skills we gained.
Andrei Association promotes (through activities implemented) intercultural dialogue, non-formal education and its values, equal opportunities, recycling and environmental protection, a healthy lifestyle, volunteering, the exchange of information, use of Europass tools, human rights, social and economical development, cultural and educational progress, democratic and participative initiatives and others.
Since 2012, Andrei Association, is coordinator of volunteer activities in partnership with several schools and kindergartens from Dolj County, during National Volunteer Week, events organized on nationwide. On this occasion was held a lot of activities: exhibitions, concerts, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, donations, recycling, greening spaces, sports competitions, etc.. Beneficiaries of these activities were elders from the "Home for the Elderly" in Craiova, preschoolers and school children and local community institutions involved. The purpose of these activities was to popularize volunteering among youth and civil society.
Another activity that the association proposed to youth is some team sports (dedicated to Day of Nonformal education) during which they practiced a number of outdoor sports: football, volleyball, tennis, etc. Through participation in sport and physical education, young people learn about the importance of key values such as: honesty, teamwork, fair play, respect for themselves and others, and adherence to rules.
Other specific activities: debates for teachers and members of local NGOs: "NonFormal vs Formal" (from European Youth Week 2013) or "Non-formal Education in School" (for celebrating the "Day of Non-formal Education" 2014), a creative workshops for children “CreArt”, and so on.
"InfoEd" is an educational e-journal (edited by our association) that seeks to promote ideas and experiences from the work of educational professionals, as well as NGOs, voluntary associations, national, regional and local institutions.
Our members and colaborators are qualified in various specialties (foreign languages, computer science, economics, etc.),teacher ( in schools and high schools), trainers and coordinator to courses and projects at county and national level (eg INSAM-digital tools to improve the quality of evaluation in school education, School-active member of the informational society, Developing communication skills in English on Moodle platform, etc.).
They were and are still involved in the coordination and implementation of various activities for young people and others.
Also, they know from personal experience, the fact that, non-formal education focuses on learning needs of the student and how important is to be achieved increasing the motivation for integrating non-formal education practices in schools.
Everyone is working directly with young people with fewer opportunities in formal and non – formal education.
In all activities implicated Andrei Association promotes and uses Europass tools: Youthpass, CV Europass, Mobility Pass, language Passport.
The goal of our association is to give youth new skills and capacities to enter self- confidently and well prepared in the European labour market.
Brochure2013-Romania-Andrei Association
- editarea de carti, ziare si difuzarea de pliante, reviste, cataloage, material publicitar menite sa conduca la cunoasterea si raspândirea valorilor culturii nationale si universale;
- organizarea de tabere de vacanta, sali de conferinte, excursii, centre de recreere si alte activitati turistice.
- desfasurarea de activitati de studiere a pietei si de sondaj, activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri, cursuri profesionale, activitati de evaluare
- atragerea si utilizarea, in conditiile legii, de surse financiare sub forma de donatii, subventii, contributii, sponsorizari, taxe, cotizatii pentru prestatii si asistenta;
- desfasurarea de activitati de interes public in domeniile: sanatate publica, protectia consumatorului, mediu, turism, spirit civic, dezvoltare economica si sociala, educatie, cultura, dezvoltare comunitara, drepturile omului, probleme rurale, egalitate de sanse.
- sprijinirea autoritatilor in vederea intretinerii si dezvoltarii infrastructurii publice de furnizare a utilitatilor;
- promovarea schimbului de date, informatii, publicatii, specialisti, cooperarea cu asociatii, organisme similare de profil din tara si strainatate;
- colaborarea cu institutii guvernamentale si neguvernamentale din tara sau din strainatate, ca si cu autoritati locale, în realizarea scopurilor propuse.
- dezvoltarea unor activitati economice proprii în vederea autofinantarii
- desfasurarea de orice alte forme de activitate apreciate ca fiind utile pentru realizarea scopului sau.
- scrierea de proiecte pentru fonduri nerambursabile